International Canyoning Festival Greece 2023

12 - 21 May 2023

Global Rescue. A personal supporter during your canyoning descents.

Greece is a canyoning paradise – every canyoner practicing the sport locally but also foreign members of the canyoning community, who have visited canyons all over the country totally agree. However, there are some challenges in the field of security, travel risks and crisis management services and field rescue. Especially in air rescue, Greece unfortunately has many problems, but for the past year there has been a serious effort to improve.

Therefore, International Canyoning Festival Greece contacted Global Rescue, the first and only membership company in the world providing field rescue and award-winning life-saving integrated medical services delivered by their teams, since 2004.

Attached in our blog post you can see more information on Global Rescue, as well as the specific options offered to cover your safety during extreme sport practices, including canyoning. We suggest that you study and feel free to contact them if you have any questions to protect yourself and family from any possible inconveniences during the International Canyoning Festival Greece.

One of the frequently asked questions about the operational skills of Global Rescue is: “Will medical evacuation get me home if I ‘m hurt or injured?” and the answer is: “Global Rescue membership services include medical transport to your home hospital of choice if you are hospitalized as an in-patient 100+ miles from home and require additional hospital care.”

Should you decide on obtaining one of Global Rescue membership options listed below please let Festival’s secretariat know. It would be a valuable information for us in case of an emergency. As you know, canyoning is an extreme sport in nature that we take very seriously.

Please also read and accept the risk factors that this sport can hold which are mentioned in Terms and Conditions page. All canyoners around the world know that safety and good practice is a matter of personal responsibility.

How to contact Global Rescue

Communication is critical in any backcountry or wilderness rescue situation. Global Rescue strongly recommends member carry or have access to aa satellite communication device for two-way communication. Send a test message to and the operations team will confirm receipt. As always, the operations team can be contacted for support 24/7 via phone at +1 617.459.4200.