International Canyoning Festival Greece 2023

12 - 21 May 2023



Kleivoka canyon is located in the wider area of Kontovazaina Gortynia and was named so because its outlet is located near the homonymous nunnery.


Kleivoka canyon is a newly opened canyon that has water flow all year round. In heavy rains it has spots that are dangerous. The amount of water can be detected on the concrete bridge that marks the exit of the first part of the canyon. In total, Kleivoka canyon has 14 descents with a maximum height of 25 meters.

Short description:

Normal cars are ok for the descent of Kleivoka canyon. The entrance has a characteristic little church on the road, where we leave the car and go down to the stream bed, to come across the arched bridge and go to the left. In a very short time, the technical part begins with swimming, slides and rappelling. At the exit of the A’ part we can leave the bridge to the right following the well-marked path to the spacious plateau where we have parked the exit car. If we continue in the B’ part, we go out through a wooded area, towards the fields, below the monastery and reach the plateau / parking lot in about 40 minutes.

useful phone numbers


Festival Secretariat


European Emergency Number


EMAK / Fire department

