International Canyoning Festival Greece 2023

12 - 21 May 2023

A filed full of flowers

Is it necessary to participate on all days of the Festival ?

We have received the above question many times, especially from friends who live in Greece, and we would like to provide some clarifications.

The International Canyoning Festival Greece 2023 starts on the 12th and ends on the 21st of May 2023. It lasts a total of 9 days, full of canyoning and various activities, which aim to highlight the beauty of the area but also offer something different – fun every day for all participants.

The organising committee of the Festival chose these dates to enable all friends coming from abroad to enjoy a full week of holidays and canyoning in addition to commuting to and from our Base.

How many days you will participate is your free choice!

Especially friends from Greece will have at their disposal 2 long weekends (12, 13 & 14/5 – 19, 20, 21/5), where, if they want, they can take 1-2 days off and participate for a five-day period. The registration fee is paid once. The cost of accommodation depends on the total number of nights you choose.

Can I bring my children?

Absolutely! Having the option of best choice is a great opportunity. This is how a flexible and comfortable program is formed for everyone, even for our little friends who have school on the days of the Festival and might want to come to the unique land of Freeland Adventure Camp.