International Canyoning Festival Greece 2023

12 - 21 May 2023

Safety protocols during International Canyoning Festival Greece 2023

1. The first step for an enjoyable and safe descent is to check the weather forecast before leaving the base and entering any canyon (  At each canyon’s page you can see the link for

2. Provided in the quick info sheet at every canyon’s page you can see the entrance and exit points. It is suggested to check the water flow at the exit of the canyon you have chosen and it must be suitable for a safe descent.

3. One of the members of your team it is advised to carry as backup an anchoring set or a piton just in case of a possible repair.

4.  Your helmet must be protecting your head from the moment your leave your car to enter the canyon until you reach your car at the exit.

5. Before entering the descent make sure relays are ok.

6. As all canyoners know, it is essential to carry an aluminum-blanket, a waterproof torch, extra batteries and a first aid kit.

7. Make sure each member of your team provides the Festival’s secretariat with your daily descent schedule signed, so we know where you are going and when you are coming back.

8. Feel free to ask for information. The Festival’s secretariat will gladly help you.

9. Add to your mobile phone all needed telephone numbers in case you might request them.

10. Make sure you have plenty of water and food for your descent.

11. Make sure there is an extra rope among your group for security.

12. Please, never descend a canyon in a group smaller than 4 canyoners.

13. If you are a beginner, always go with a more experienced team or choose a professional canyoning guide who participates in the Festival..

14. Make sure that your equipment is complete and in good working order

15. Prepare physically before arriving to the Festival so your physical condition is good enough for the planned descents. If you get tired prefer to relax than overdo it.

16. Please enter the canyons after correct training. If you feel unwell during the descent, let your team know without being shy. Your safety is always a priority.

17. Respect all animals and flowers.

18. Litter, noises and screaming is better avoided.

19. Please make sure to respect the canyoning safety rules.

20. Acknowledge your capabilities and stamina.